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What an AMAZING experience!


Hola, my name is Shannon Pierce and I was lucky enough to be a part of the May 2010 mission team! I feel so blessed to have been part of such a wonderful, humble, inspiring group of people. I became involved in the Mission of the Healing Eyes through Megan Conahan, the daughter of the founders: Jim and Molly. Megan and I met while studying abroad in Spain and formed an immediate friendship. I am so grateful to have met Megan because we share so many of the same visions and dreams! Through Megan I was also fortunate enough to meet the Conahan family (what a treat =)! There is honestly something so special about Dr. Conahan and his family; I cannot explain with words the love they hold in their hearts for the less fortunate of this world.

Coming from a family that is also rooted in Christ and understands the power of helping others, I was so eager for the mission to start. Upon arrival to the BVG I immediately felt the love that everyone had brought with them. The team was predominately made up of young people who had all donated their time, talents, and gifts to help the poor or Ixtapa, MX. I was assigned the job of working with Matt Conahan at the glasses station and am SO happy that I had the chance to work with such an amazing person I know that Matt and I helped so many people in Ixtapa; we fit thousands of people for glasses and got to see each face light up with joy when they found the “perfect” pair. There were so many times when I had to take a step back, fight the tears, and silently thank God for everything I have, seeing the joy a simple pair of reading glasses brought to a person made me realize how blessed my life is.

Participating in the May 2010 Mission of the Healing Eyes trip was one of the best choices I have ever made. I am so thankful to each and every member of the mission team for being so amazing, but I especially want to thank the Conahan Family for being such giving, humble, and loving people. I also want to thank Spain for brining Megan and I together, because if we had not met I would be missing an amazing friendship and experience in my life.


Shannon Pierce


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